The Top 5 Accomplishments of President Herbert Hoover

herbert hoover inauguration 1929

President Herbert Hoover, who served as the 31st President of the United States from 1929 to 1933, is often remembered for his presidency during the Great Depression. However, there were numerous accomplishments that Hoover achieved throughout his political career that are often overlooked. In this article, we will highlight and delve into the top five accomplishments of President Herbert Hoover, shedding light on his contributions beyond the economic crisis.

1. Humanitarian Aid and International Relief Efforts:

Before becoming President, Herbert Hoover was recognized as a humanitarian for his extensive work in providing relief during World War I. During his presidential term, he continued to prioritize humanitarian aid and international assistance. Hoover spearheaded the American Relief Administration, which provided emergency food relief to the people of war-torn Europe, including millions of children. His efforts saved countless lives and helped restore stability and hope in devastated regions.

2. Expansion of Public Works Projects:

Recognizing the importance of infrastructure development, Hoover worked diligently to expand public works projects during his tenure. He successfully pushed for the construction of the Hoover Dam, one of the most significant engineering marvels of its time, providing hydroelectric power and supporting irrigation in the western United States. Additionally, Hoover initiated the Federal Farm Board to stabilize agriculture prices and modernize farming practices, contributing to the growth of the agricultural sector.

3. Conservation and Environmental Stewardship:

President Hoover demonstrated a deep commitment to conservation and environmental stewardship. He established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), which financed major conservation projects across the country, including the Florida Everglades and the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. Furthermore, he signed the Boulder Canyon Project Act, leading to the creation of Lake Mead, the largest reservoir in the United States, and protecting the natural beauty of the Colorado River basin.

4. Efforts to Promote Racial Equality:

Herbert Hoover was an advocate for racial equality during a time when discrimination was prevalent. He appointed several African Americans to prominent positions in his administration, including William H. Hastie as an advisor on racial matters and Robert C. Weaver as an advisor on economic issues. Hoover also condemned lynching and worked towards the prevention of racial violence, although his efforts faced significant resistance in Congress.

5. Advancement in Science and Technology:

President Hoover understood the importance of investing in scientific research and technological advancements. He established the Research Corporation, which provided funding for scientific research and played a crucial role in developing innovations such as synthetic rubber, fluorescent lighting, and advances in medical research. Furthermore, Hoover signed the Norris-LaGuardia Act, which protected workers’ rights to join labor unions, fostering technological progress.


While President Herbert Hoover is often associated with the challenges of the Great Depression, it is essential to recognize the numerous accomplishments he achieved during his tenure. From his dedication to humanitarian aid and international relief efforts to his focus on infrastructure development, conservation, racial equality, and advancements in science and technology, Hoover’s contributions went well beyond the economic crisis. Understanding Hoover’s full legacy provides valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of his presidency and the lasting impact of his endeavors.